VII Simposio Medicina Fetal



We have already confirmed the presence of relevant International professors such as Pf. Kypros Nicolaides, Pf. Rabih Chaoui, Pf. Darío Paladini, Pf. Gustavo Malinger, Pf. Tessa Homfray and Pf. Bernard Benoit, among others, as well as a wide representation of the most relevant speakers from our country, who will lead the different interactive sessions with the attendees.

Of course, all scientific sessions will have simultaneous translation into English.

In our symposium we devote special attention to social events that serve as a reunion and exchange of ideas among attendees. Because of this, we do not conceive a Gutenberg symposium that is not presential on site

 However, in addition to the on site modality we have also planned a virtual access, on-line, for those who can not travel to Malaga and prefer to follow the scientific sessions on streaming.

 We have also organized a posters award to stimulate the research and participation of promising young doctors in Fetal Medicine. The best 3 posters will be presented orally in the session allocated in the main auditorium and will be awarded with the free registration to the symposium.

 Participants will obtain credits granted by ACSA ( Andalusian Agency of Health Quality) .

 The Symposium counts with the Scientific Quality Award given by the SEGO (Obs and Gyn Spanish Society)

 Along with the interesting scientific programe, we have organized some activities, included in the registration, which will undoubtedly allow us to strengthen ties between the different professionals involved in this field of medicine.

I trust that this symposium will be attractive and of scientific benefit for you.

The whole team of Centro Gutenberg, will put the maximum interest in leaving you a pleasant memory.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Málaga from 17th to 20th of October!



Guillermo Azumendi
Director of the Symposium